Applying for and Setting Up Your Start-Up Funds
The first step is to check with your department or college to discuss getting these funds in place. They may have a staff member who can help you with the process.

The Faculty Recruitment and Retention program requires a completed
application form with signatures from your Department Head and Dean. You or someone from your department submits the completed form to the Faculty Relations Office at The Faculty Relations Office will then notify you and Research Acceleration and Strategic Initiatives (RASI) of the matching grant award results.
For any additional start-up funds outlined in your letter of offer, your College/Department will need to send either a copy of your grant award letter to RASI or submit a completed Internal Research Request Form to RASI at RASI’s Research Support Specialists will email you regarding next steps and will provide guidance on potential compliance requirements, like ethics approvals, lab safety, and research security.

RASI’s Research Support Specialists will email you regarding next steps and will provide guidance on potential compliance requirements, like ethics approvals, lab safety, and research security.