Research Clusters

RASI supports the development of select research clusters as emergent and timely opportunities arise. Research Clusters currently or recently in development include:


RESOLVE: Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse is a prairie-based research network that coordinates and supports research aimed at ending violence, especially violence involving girls and women. RESOLVE creates partnerships among service agencies, government departments and universities across the prairie provinces with offices in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. 


CRIS: Cannabinoid Research Initiative of Saskatchewan is an interdisciplinary research team exploring the application of cannabinoids and cannabis derivatives to humans and animals, for health, disease, and disorders. The team is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan.

Pathways to Equity

Pathways to Equity – An emerging, multi-disciplinary research cluster whose mission is to raise levels of equity and wellbeing through focused, thematic areas of research conducted in direct partnership with the knowledge and experience of our communities and committed to bringing results back to participants and decisionmakers in those communities. The current thematic focus of this group is housing and homelessness. In 2019, the first Pathways to Equity research funding competition ran alongside the Research Junction Development Grant and created new research partnerships with the City of Saskatoon.