Greetings from VP Research Baljit Singh
February 17, 2021
As I move through the first weeks in my role as USask’s Vice-President Research, I want to share my appreciation for being invited back to a community that feels like home. I also wish to share my vision for the coming months and years for our research community.
First of all, I sincerely thank Dr. Karen Chad for her distinguished and courageous leadership of University of Saskatchewan’s research enterprise. It was my privilege to work with Karen on many initiatives over the years and I am honored to be her successor.
I look forward to collaborating with our new provost and vice-president academic, Dr. Airini, who joined the university the same day I assumed my role.
This is a great institution with a glorious history in education, knowledge creation and dissemination, and contributions to the prosperity of local and global communities.
Much has changed since I left in the summer of 2016. New programs have been launched and many scholars have joined the community. A new plan—The University the World Needs—has been developed. Because the landscape has evolved, and in keeping with the commitment I made at the announcement of my appointment, I will focus on learning carefully about the breadth and the depth of the scholarly enterprise at USask. I request your help and guidance in this effort.
USask has a long and distinguished record of caring for the scholarship of individual researchers, as well as those working in large groups, centres and institutes. My efforts will be focused on seeing this continue, and for the research performance to become even stronger, with your help and guidance. There is growing burden of compliance requirements and together we will find ways to make it easier for researchers.

When President Stoicheff announced my appointment, I spoke of very large investments made by all levels of governments at USask. They have trust, and expectations, that we will deliver some of the most advanced and applied technologies and solutions to combat complex societal issues and contribute to Canada’s prosperity. We are doing exactly that, and are determined to see this accelerate in the coming years.
The intersection of research with the student learning experience is understood, but has yet to be fully explored. I look forward to more collaboration with academic leaders such as the Provost and Vice-President Academic, the Vice-Provost, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience, the Deans, as well as colleagues at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning. Together we can foster a culture of research and discovery among our students. Working with our University Relations team, I see us forming many and varied partnerships with public, private and not-for profit entities locally and globally to enhance the discovery experience of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
We are the current stewards of this century-old institution that has an enduring and ever-expanding footprint. Our community’s sustained support and their pride in USask underscores the value proposition of our university. We will continue to deliver the scholarship that supports our community and earns their trust.
I sincerely request your support in further growing and sharpening our innovation and research enterprise.
Baljit Singh, FCAHS, BVSc&AH, PhD
3M National Teaching FellowVice-President, Research
University of Saskatchewan