Research Office of the Vice President Research

Staff - Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Chris Bowman
Technology Transfer Manager Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Michelle Cholowsky
Legal Counsel Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Stephen Cooley
Legal Counsel Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Picture of  Alix Hayden

Alix Hayden
Director Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Elmira Jafarieh Yazdi
Technology Transfer Officer Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Erin Kulhawy
Technology Transfer Officer Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

John Mapletoft
Technology Transfer Manager Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Picture of  Leanne McCutcheon

Leanne McCutcheon
Financial Coordinator Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Wainewright Noble
Intellectual Property Specialist Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Kerry O’Shea
Legal Counsel Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Christine Peng
Technology Transfer Officer Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Owen Pennock
Legal Counsel Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Jenelyn Santos Ong
Manager, Opus Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Laura Sayer
Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Jaime Speed
Project and Engagement Coordinator Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Corinne Steininger
Administrative Coordinator Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Anu Tandukar
Project Coordinator, Opus Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Natasha Werbicki
Program Coordinator, Opus Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships