Research Office of the Vice President Research


Derek has a long history with the University of Saskatchewan – first as a student, then proud alumnus, and more recently as a staff member.  Following completion of a B.Sc. in 2009, Derek worked for several years in the private sector and is skilled in collaboration, communication, and discovering innovative solutions to complex problems.  Prior to joining the USask International Office, he supported international programming in the School of Environment and Sustainability (SENS) and alumni relations in the College of Medicine.  Between 2019-2020, he was a USask administrator of the Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship program, an innovative exchange program between post-secondary institutions in Canada and commonwealth nations in Africa.  

Derek believes strongly in integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into his work, particularly through indigenous engagement and environmental advocacy.  In 2020, Derek was awarded a USask Internationalization Travel Grant (Internationalization Fund) in recognition of his effort to develop closer relations between the University of Saskatchewan and Beijing Normal University.  He is a member of the International Society of Arboriculture and supports global reforestation projects, particularly those undertaken by the UN-REDD program and the Green Belt Movement. 

As of August 1, 2024 Derek manages special projects related to our partnerships.