Darcy Marciniuk MD, FRCPC, Master FCCP, FCAHS
Associate Vice-President ResearchBiography
Darcy Marciniuk is a Professor of Medicine in Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, and recognized internationally as an expert and leader in COPD, clinical exercise physiology, and pulmonary rehabilitation, with more than 460 invited international presentations and 250 peer-reviewed publications, chapters and reviews.
Dr. Marciniuk is a past-President of the American College of Chest Physicians and the Canadian Thoracic Society, and past-Chair of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies. He served as a founding Steering Committee member of Canada’s National Lung Health Framework, Chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Respirology Examination Board, and co-Chaired the 2016 Chest World Congress in Shanghai, China.
Dr. Marciniuk is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and Deputy Editor (Outreach) for the journal CHEST. He has been bestowed with the Distinguished Scientist Honor Lecture (2011) and the Thomas L. Petty Master FCCP Memorial Honor Lecture (2015) by the American College of Chest Physicians, the Founder’s Award (2013) by the Canadian Lung Association, the Christie Memorial Lecture and Award (2016) by the Canadian Thoracic Society, and the Distinguished Researcher Award (2013) by the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.
Dr. Marciniuk’s Associate Vice-President Research portfolio includes:
- Leadership for strategic initiatives to foster and enhance research success at the U of S, including its academic units, research centers and institutes;
- Advancing international research activity and impact, and providing oversight of the International Office;
- Defining and communicating priorities and outcomes for the health research portfolio, and building and promoting the health discovery agenda of the University through a variety of strategies and contacts;
- Acting as the institution’s CIHR Tri-Council Leader, working closely with the institution’s other Tri-Agency Leaders and Associate Research Deans to build the innovation agenda within and across their units at an institutional level;
- Institutional leadership and oversight for the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).