Research Acceleration and Strategic Initiatives
As we gather here today, we acknowledge we are on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.
Images: Jose Rodrigo Garcia, Landscapes of the Brain 2019 Creative Commons 2.0
Essential full spectrum grant support | Giving researchers a competitive edge
Research Acceleration and Strategic Initiatives (RASI) has a two-part interrelated mandate:
Research Acceleration – Providing a full suite of strategic and practical supports across the application cycle to position researchers and research groups for success in individual, collaborative and institutional grants.
Strategic Initiatives – Leading and implementing strategic institutional initiatives to support research career development for both faculty and undergraduate students: Research grant support (pre- and post-award); Large-scale and institutional grant facilitation and management; Undergraduate research; Partner engagement and research cluster development.
All USask researchers connect with RASI at some point in their research journey. Here are some common questions:
Our People
Dedicated RASI leadership brings extensive institutional experience, professionalism, vision and connections to your research.
Offers a competitive edge to faculty applying to strategic, multi-disciplinary and large-scale funding calls from across the Tri-Agencies, CFI, and TIPS, including CRC, CERC, NFRF-Transformation and CFREF programs.
SIRI provides post-award grant and project management support for select institutional initiatives, including the CFI and CRC programs.
Provides guidance in submitting funding applications in UniVRS, assistance with academic and institutional approvals, compliance reviews, and other administrative supports when applying to funding agencies including NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR. Provides post-award support, from requesting research funds, inter-institutional transfers, and other research activities.
The security specialist acts an expert resource to the research community and leader by navigating new and changing requirements from the federal, provincial governments and international regulations on national security guidelines related to research partnerships.
As part of the Grant Management Strategic Priority Project, two Research Specialist Post-Award positions provide holistic post-award support to the social sciences, humanities and fine arts disciplines within the College of Arts and Science.
Fosters excellence across USask’s research, scholarly and artistic communities through targeted programming and initiatives. This team manages a suite of strategic programs, initiatives and supports RASI’s operations while providing project management for the Director. StRIDE provides engagement with the USask community through internal communications, events, and workshops while also supporting strategic partnership development activities. Programming supports research career development, from undergraduate students to early career and established researchers.