Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships

Turning discoveries into innovative solutions the world needs

Innovation Mobilization and Partnerships (IMP), part of the Office of the VP Research, has a two-part, interrelated mandate:

  • Innovation Mobilization: Creating significant and sustainable value for society, industry and the environment, by helping researchers explore pathways to impact for their innovations, including patenting, licensing, and venture creation.
  • Partnerships: Helping researchers engage in strategic partnerships and creating strong innovation ecosystem partnerships to pave the way to innovation impact. 

IMP’s services and supports span the lab-to-market spectrum:

  • Forging strategic research partnerships
    • Industry engagement and partnerships
    • Contracts and agreements with industry, governments and community partners
  • Delivering solutions for society, industry and the environment
    • Intellectual property
    • Technology transfer
    • Enterprise creation
    • Research and commercialization legal services


Explore our available technologies

IMP has many exciting opportunities available for technology licensing and collaboration.

To browse our current innovations, you can find all current technologies available for commercial partnerships in inpart.

To discuss licensing opportunities or explore other collaborations with us, please contact us either by phone 306-966-1465 or e-mail